The Wottery inc.
A World of Warcraft Lottery

The Rules for the WoW Lottery (Wottery) are as follows:

Lottery 1

1- To Buy a ticket you must email (in game) 1GP (gold piece) followed by two chosen numbers to your Lottery Admin a list of admins for servers can be found here. (the chosen numbers must not be identical, i.e. 12,12).
2- There is no limit to the amount of tickets you buy.
3- Admins are Prohibited from playing the lottery.
4- The draw will be made every Sunday night at 21:00 GMT.
5- All lottery draws will be recorded and posted on the Past Draws section.
6- All lottery emails must be kept as proof of purchase.
7- I'm not sure if this will work, but the draws will be displayed in a 'Wottry' chat channel as shown in this picture.
8- The Draw will be made by the admin /Rand 1-20 twice, the two random numbers will be the winning numbers. If by any chance the two random numbers are the same, a third draw will be made untill there are two different numbers drawn.
9- If there is no winner the money will go into the pot for the next week's draw.
10- If there is more then one winner the money will be divided equally between the winner.

Lotto Extra

1- To Buy a ticket you must email (in game) 1GP (gold piece) followed by Extra to your Lottery Admin a list of admins for servers can be found here. You will then be assigned a number according to the order in which you bought your ticket.
2- Each player may buy one ticket per charachter only.
3- Admins are Prohibited from playing the lottery.
4- The draw will be made every Sunday night at 21:00 GMT.
5- All lottery draws will be recorded and posted on the Past Draws section.
6- All lottery emails must be kept as proof of purchase.
7- I'm not sure if this will work, but the draws will be displayed in a 'Wottry' chat channel as shown in this picture.
8- The Draw will be made by the admin /Rand # (# being the number of contestants in the draw)
9- There is a garunteed winner